WAY too early to announce version 4

I preparation for our exhibit in the Maker Faire Bay Area 2010, I’m beginning to ramp up Beatseqr version 4. Behold, parts are starting to arrive:

Lots of sliders

My intention here is to offer kits, due to popular request.

I’m trying to take the plunge and follow in the smartly placed footsteps by our pals over at EMSL to learn and use the gEDA toolchain to help design and layout the next version of the Beatseqr pcb. It’s a bear, but I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.. I’m also looking into desktop CNC routers for several tasks in the fabrication process of parts. Um… I’m still building my case and doing my research, but you can take a peek at what I’m looking into here.

Maker Faire Bay Area 2010

Hey there, we just got confirmation that we’re going to be showing Beatseqr at the 2010 Bay Area Maker Faire! Woohoo! We’re going into deep planning mode this week, so more details will follow. In the meantime, go buy your ticket!

Also, we’re considering applying for maker faires in detroit and new york. Want us to come to those? post a comment up.