well, I caught some of DNA Lounge’s friday night card, through their streaming video. It was Angelo Moore, Dr. Madd Vibe, and The Missing Links. and possibly more? I was unable to catch the first two acts. But, what I did get to see was an incredible performance. There were some pretty specific protest themed songs about promoters and being told to not bother to show up to perform due to poor ticket sales, and specifically against being paid in exposure… “vote no” … Interesting. Their whole act was great … Mr. Moore plays seemingly every kind of saxophone, organ, and theramin, and sings. The incredible band he is playing with is Dr. Madd Vibe, and The Missing Links, and more, maybe? It’s a ska band with a full horn section, and they are pretty amazing. I checked some search results, and found this true wonder of the universe. A fingerboard, with the Fishbone band logo printed on the deck. Only, $20, but “Sold out”. Bummer 😭