Sequence 17, done?

Well here’s sequence 17. I took a few days off to go camping, so that’s why this one took a long time. I also spent a lot of time in the details… there are definitely still raw spots, but tbh I didn’t like how cold some of the heavily lined previous iterations felt, so I’m try to leave some things like how I record music… I’m going to keep whatever I got on the first take. Some areas definitely needed help clarifying their boundaries, and I like the look quite a bit.

3d printed artwork

Lest you think I’ve been languishing in some kind of artless state, Here are some photos of what I’ve been using my 3d printer for on the fine art front. My machine is stable, I understand how to fix it when it stops working, and I’m now using some software that’s letting me really scratch the surface of what I can do to use the 3d printers best traits, versus a laser cutter or cnc router. Pretty cool stuff. More to come.




