maker faire bay area 2010: thank you!

I’m at home, and I’ve had dinner, and I’m… exhausted! 🙂 We had such a great time showing off Beatseqr to hundreds of people this weekend! Thank you so much for coming and checking it out! I have some video coming soon to recap the reception beatseqr got…… soon. Maybe in a couple of days. 🙂 I’m pretty tired. Saturday was a 13 hour show day, and sunday was 11 hours, so… I’m going to go get to bed early tonight and sleep very very well, I think!

Anyway, if you want to get in touch with me, send email to

Haptic Synapses Upcoming: SubZER0 2010

Last friday night, we played at 1015 Folsom, opening for Joey Beltram. It was pretty friggen’ out of control if I do say so myself. MJ Gamez got some really awesome photos of the event… here’s a great one of us playing:

photo credit: MJ Gamez

So, that leads me to remind you that we’re headlining at South First Billiards during South First Friday, June 4th 2010. We’ll be playing from 12:00am to 1:30am, and there are a bunch of great musicians and crazy-awesome artists doing their thing as well. Outside of the billiards place is the SubZER0 festival, which is something you just have to see to believe. There’s going to be a whole gangload of interesting art+technology exhibits for you to see, experience, and interact with, so come check it out!

beatseqr on etsy

Hey, just testing out a wordpress plugin I’m writing to embed etsy items into wordpress posts… it’s working pretty well, and there’s room for improvement, but here we go:

[etsy item=40419043]

One version 3 beatseqr for sale

UPDATE: This beatseqr was sold on 2010-06-04. I’ll have more for sale soon! Do leave a message here or email me if you’re interested!

Please send me an email (steve at 3rl dot us) if you are interested in purchasing this beatseqr.

  1. this is beatseqr serial number 6.
  2. It is the 4th instance out of 5 in the version 3 series.
  3. $299. Shippable today.

Or click here to fill out the web form

Upcoming: live at bliss factory

——-Original Message——-
From: Sean Ocean
Subject: [DEF] BSP: 1.29.10 Radio Integrated Live from the Bliss Factory with Haptic Synapses & Alixr

Those who have been following the Radio integrated broadcasts over the
last couple of years will know every broadcast is an informal party full
of surprises, torrents of free flowing beer, Chinese take out, new
friends and of course… some of the best techno talent the Bay Area has
to offer.

This broadcast will be no exception to the rule as we continue onward
into the new year with:

HAPTIC SYNAPSES. Haptic Synapses is a recently formed crew of some of
the leading players from the Dobox label out of San Jose, the Rhythmist,
Steve Cooley, and Qorser. Each member brings their own personality to
the table, with tech represented by Cooley, funk realized by The
Rhythmist, and deep soul as touched upon by Qorser. They each have come
together to jam out in the form of a live P.A. on a combination of self
made software & hardware to give real meaning to words techno soul in a
style that is both truly original and west coast..

ALIXR. Techno machine? Scene fixture? or maybe a closeted ‘enfant
savage’ with a temperate demeanor.. however you peg Alex, he’s always
down like Charlie Brown to show you that there’s a big heart behind the
music he plays. Alixr’s love of techno is what shows through every time
he plays out it is what drives a deep connection between him and his
audience of growing supporters throughout the bay.

Listen live via the Web:

9pm-2ish January 29th

Live at Smoke Tiki lounge december 2009

We’re playing a live performance tomorrow night, thursday december 10th 2009… at the Smoke Tiki Lounge in san jose ( We’re going on at 11pm, at which point a $5 cover kicks in. So.. show up early and get in for free. We’re performing with multiple instances of the step sequencer hardware and software that we’ve been developing since april of this year. Check out for more info.

Hope to see you there, and if you can make it please say hi!