Haptic Synapses live at Sidescroller 5
Here we are playing with the Cooperative Gaming Co-op at Works/San Jose, on September 28th, 2012. I accidentally shot kind of a lot of footage before we started playing, so I’m hoping the embedded video will start at the time I want it to.
3dpixelcam processing 3d pixels from live video
Many years ago, I wrote a processing sketch to take live video and generate a 3d pixel grid, varying the height of each 3d box based on the brightness of the video pixel it was sampling. And it was good. Times have changed, and so has processing. Now it’s easier to do what I was doing then in regards to accessing the video input and controlling the 3d camera in the sketch. There aren’t as many bells and whistles on this version as the original, but hey, it works today.
As such, you will need JMyron and Peasycam to run this sketch.
/* * 3dPixelcam * steve cooley * http://beatseqr.com * license for use: creative commons non-commercial attribution share-alike * Do Not Omit This Information From Whatever You Make With It. Thanks! -steve */
import processing.opengl.*; import peasy.*; import JMyron.*;
PeasyCam cam; // a virtual, 3d camera control JMyron m;//a physical, actual camera object
int resolution = 20;
void setup(){ size(640,480, OPENGL); cam = new PeasyCam(this, 320.0, 240.0, 100.0, 500); cam.setMinimumDistance(50); cam.setMaximumDistance(2000); m = new JMyron();//make a new instance of the object m.start(width,height);//start a capture at 320×240 m.findGlobs(0);//disable the intelligence to speed up frame rate println("Myron" + m.version()); rectMode(CENTER); noStroke(); }
void draw(){ background(255); lights();
m.update();//update the camera view int[] img = m.image(); //get the normal image of the camera float r,g,b;
for(int y=0;y<height;y+=resolution){ //loop through all the pixels for(int x=0;x<width;x+=resolution){ //loop through all the pixels
float av = (red(img[y*width+x])+green(img[y*width+x])+blue(img[y*width+x]))/3.0; fill(red(img[y*width+x]),green(img[y*width+x]),blue(img[y*width+x])); pushMatrix(); translate(x,y); //ellipse(0,0,(255-av)/8.0,(255-av)/8.0); box(resolution,resolution,(av)); popMatrix(); } } }
void keyPressed(){ // m.settings();//click the window to get the settings resolution -= 2; if(resolution <=1) { resolution = 40; } }
public void stop(){ m.stop();//stop the object super.stop(); }
2013-03-12 Updated to fix wp code manglation
3d printed artwork
Lest you think I’ve been languishing in some kind of artless state, Here are some photos of what I’ve been using my 3d printer for on the fine art front. My machine is stable, I understand how to fix it when it stops working, and I’m now using some software that’s letting me really scratch the surface of what I can do to use the 3d printers best traits, versus a laser cutter or cnc router. Pretty cool stuff. More to come.
magnificent machinery
I was working on a thing on sketchpad.cc for work and, well, one thing lead to another. Click to save the frame. Close the new tab to restart the drawing.
an OpenSCAD script for 3d printing potentiometer knobs
I learned some OpenSCAD!
This script has a *lot* of variables you can tweak. I don’t even feel like I’ve put everything into this script that I want to, either.
an incomplete list of parameters you can adjust:
- knob radius
- knob height
- shaft hole radius
- shaft hole height
- set screw inclusion, radius, and location
- flatness of shaft hole
- rounding on top (thanks very much to http://iheartrobotics.com for the articles on edge rounding!)
- indentations
- directional indicators
- plus a lot more!
One of the most stressful things about making multiple copies of an electronics project is reliably locating interface controls that you like. Maybe you can locate them one time, but can you locate them a year from now? two years from now? And how much do they cost?
For example, I found some slide potentiometer knobs at Mouser.com for about $0.50 apiece two years ago, and they ran out of them… forever. I tried sourcing them elsewhere, and the best I could find was a seller that had them for $4.00 apiece (!!wtf!!). So that really sucks.
One strategy is to buy in bulk. But, buy too few and you may run out and pay twice for shipping. Buy too many and you end up with unused knobs sitting around not making your money back. That also sucks.
Round potentiometer knobs are somewhat readily available. But still, they can be from $0.80 to $5.00 each, and if you can’t find enough for your project, that can be problematic. Mostly I’m tired of paying multiple dollars for things that should basically cost $0.25 apiece. Aesthetics are important too, so having options beyond what’s out there is nice.
A different strategy is to print them yourself as you need them. No shipping, no running out, and you get to call the shots on how it looks and how it fits. Now, I like this way. Plus, for my project, making the knobs just goes along with the rest of the stuff I’ve done myself.
Click here to download the parametric potentiometer knob generator OpenSCAD script.
parametric potentiometer knob generator by steve cooley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at sc-fa.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://sc-fa.com/blog/contact.
Synthseqr sneak peek
I was able to test out synthseqr live with my band Haptic Synapses, the night we also played with Antacid Crew, and it was a lot of fun! I posted a video of us playing and synthseqr is in there, but I wanted to make a new video to show the progress I’ve been making. Derek Scott is also working on some great functionality coming soon, and of course he’s the chief architect of Steppa, which synthseqr runs on top of. So check it out and let me know what you think.
IDEO’s arduino programming tool add-on — retreive source
Ah. Oh. Yes! Ooh! Maybe!
Dave Vondle from IDEO Labs posted a really cool add on for the arduino IDE that lets you retrieve the source for an arduino you physically have but don’t already have the source for. Essentially, if I understand this concept, I can tie the arduino mega inside each beatseqr to the source online, so that when you want to see how it works and want to change something on it, you can just plug it in, launch the arduino IDE with this add-on, and get the source from the internet. Sweet! I have asked a question about a minor detail, but overall the concept is really good, and I think I’m going to give it a try.
Haptic Synapses and Antacid Crew at boing boing boing boing 2012
We had a great time playing with Mark and Kyle of Antacid Crew! Always a blast! Thanks to Nexus for the invite, it was a great party with great people. 😀